Thursday, June 26, 2014

The World Through Claeten's Eyes

Creative Commons LicenseThis work by Nauman gti is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Confronted with my inability to explain my perspective on the world, I went with my next best option: I turned the question around on my characters. Claeten was by far the most cooperative, though initially he shared my amazement at the broadness and gravity of the question. But since he gave a pretty decent answer, I'll be posting it here.


Claeten, what is your perspective on the world?

On the world? The whole great big wide world? Gosh, how am I supposed to capture the whole world? I can try! Let's see...
I like it here. It's that simple. I like being alive. I like meeting people and getting to know them. I like going on adventures with them, finding new and exciting things around every corner. Every adventure's got it's dangers, but what's life without taking some risks?
But... sometimes it all goes wrong. We take risks when we should've stepped back. We fail. We lose. We lose something beautiful, something we can never get back again. A loved one. A treasured possession. Our innocence. But you can't let it get you down. You have to stand back up again, to keep fighting.
Why? You want to know why? Because of you! Yeah, you! You're a perfectly amazing person, and you have so much good in you, so much potential. A lot of people forget that. We get so caught up in our failures that we prevent ourselves from ever succeeding again.
And that's where you come in. Yeah, you. You think you're all alone? You think you're the only one hurting? Not by a long shot! We all have scars that we hide. But those very scars that we try so hard to hide are what make us truly beautiful.
And that, I believe, is our purpose in life -- to kiss each other's scars. To love, to encourage, to build up. To help each other until the day we die.
This life, this pain -- it's not permanent! No! The best is still yet to come. But until it gets here, I will give everything I've got to make the journey easier for others.
Because the world can be dark, but it doesn't have to be. You and me? We're the light-bearers. And together, we can help others find their way, and make the world a brighter place.


Now if only it was that easy to write about my own worldview. I suppose there's a bit of Claeten in me, just like there's a bit of me in all my characters. And I agree with Claeten on at least one point -- we are the light-bearers, and I for one will always strive to create stories that reflect that light.


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